Selections from my public writing are categorized below, except for recent work. If you would like access to ghostwritten pieces, ebooks, or white papers, please contact me directly.

A large portion of my recent work is ghostwritten. If you would like to see my recent writing on the following topics, please let me know, and I will send you a link to things I’ve been permitted to share so long as you agree to keep authorship confidential:

What I write about

Medicine and health

Technology and automation

Tech ethics (including AI)

Privacy and cybersecurity

Construction and manufacturing

SaaS, BaaS, MaaS


Employee health and safety

HR and leadership

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Medicine and the medical humanities:  

Feminist Icon Florence Nightingale Would Be Horrified at the Bible Museum’s Depiction of Her, The Daily Beast, 2018

Talk To Your Doctor About Mozart, Medium, 2018

White Coats and Mild Manners: How to Style a Good Doctor, Aeon Magazine, 2017

Where In Your Body Is Your Soul?, The Daily Beast, 2017 (co-written with Candida Moss)